Janice Hewitt February 26, 2018

Gift Giving, Just Because - BYDEAU’s Next Chapter

For BYDEAU founder, Jennifer Margolin, it’s the everyday moments, the ones not often celebrated, that she believes calls for a bigger piece of the gift-giving pie. She's is on a mission to remove the stress, time and hassle associated with sending beautiful flowers + gifts.

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Is Rewards-Based Crowdfunding Right For Your Business?

This is easily the most commonly asked question we receive and it is often the topic of conversation for our first consultation meeting with potential campaigners. And while it is a good question to ask it, the answer usually relies on a few other factors. The most important being...

Top 11 Tools From Our Crowdfunding Success Manual

Crowdfunding is not an easy task. It takes planning, preparation, a solid team and plenty of motivation. This is all a lot easier with a good platform and the right tools. These tools will help you work smarter and more efficiently when it comes to building your community.  

Crowdfunding Success Stories: Caya, An Indian Odyssey

You may remember a couple months ago when Caya launched what ended up being a successful crowdfunding campaign with us on Next Chapter. Charu Mehrotra was nervous but excited and really took all of our advice in stride. She ultimately achieved her funding goal and more.

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Convince More Backers To Support Your Crowdfunding Campaign With These Steps

The biggest obstacle is convincing the potential backer that they can trust you to deliver the product you’re promising after your crowdfunding campaign ends. This is not typical commerce, therefore, you owe them a lot more in terms of transparency.

Top 11 Tools From Our Crowdfunding Success Manual

Crowdfunding is not an easy task. It takes planning, preparation, a solid team and plenty of motivation. This is all a lot easier with a good platform and the right tools. These tools will help you work smarter and more efficiently when it comes to building your community.  

7 Growth & Funding Resources for Female Entrepreneurs in Asia

The tide is turning for female entrepreneurs starting businesses and looking for funding. With increased popularization of some pretty dramatic VC investment statistics, new opportunities are popping up that focus on women-led business.

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